FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Robert Raasch-bad business ethics
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Old 07-09-2003, 06:35 PM   #1
Robert Raasch-bad business ethics

Wrong way to do business
Some of you may remember me making inquiries on a Robert Raasch with the email of ssscales@hotmail.com. Well I am still trying to get my money back from him for goods not delivered that were ordered an paid for in full back on 4/13/03.
I am posting all emails that were sent back and forth which should explain the whole situation. There are alot of emails, and at the bottom there is a summary of my opion in this matter.

We have just designed a rack EXACTLY what you are looking for. The rack has 7 shelfs and holds 6 shoeboxes on each rack. A total of 42 tubs in each rack. These racks are $300 and that price includes shipping to your door. My name is Robert and my number is 480-650-7681. Hope to hear from you soon.

-------Original Message-------

From: info@geckoville.com
Date: Friday, April 11, 2003 18:58:05
To: SSScales@hotmail.com
Subject: Message about : Sale on My Custom Acrylic Cages and Racks Posted Below

I'm interested in getting two shoebox racks from you. Could you qoute me a price on them? Configuration: as many shoeboxes that you can fit and still ship :-) I've got almost 100 leo eggs cooking and both of my other baby racks are already full with at least 20-30 eggs do to hatch in the next two weeks. If your racks work well for me I will be in need of several others later this season.
Also, if you wouldn't mind sending your number I would like ask a couple of other questions about them.

Thank you,
Uriah and Tina Walker

I did recieve payment. Things have been VERY weird here. I am not sure of an exact ship date yet but should know soon.

-------Original Message-------

From: Tina and Uriah Walker
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:53:17 PM
To: SSScales@hotmail.com
Subject: confirmation

I'm not sure if something came up, or if you're just very busy...but could you please at least send me an email to confirm that you received payment for the shoe box rack and sweater box rack along with an approximate ship date?
Thank you,

I just saw your post on the Fauna BOI and if you would like the e-mail addys of some people who have purchased from me Please just ask. I will have no problems giving them to you.

Thank you!!! People don't usually do anything nice for anybody they deal with. I will get on top of the guy who builds the cages tomorrow and see if I can nail down an aproximate time of shipment for you. And once again Thank You

-------Original Message-------

From: Tina and Uriah Walker
Date: Friday, April 25, 2003 7:54:17 PM
To: SSScales@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: confirmation

I appreciate the offer. I placed the post more to get some word of mouth out about you since the only thing on fauna is the ordeal about the 66% het boa. Once the racks arrive and have been in use for a week or two I'll make another post on the same thread about my own experiences with them. Should be kind of like a little bit of free advertising for you.

I apologize for the delay. My guy is inundated with my acrylic orders. They
have all been paid for and the acrylic has been purchased. He is working
literally 6am-mid to get everything done and out quickly. I apologize for
the delay. I will remain in contact notifying you of the status and with a
tracking number when shipped out.

>From: "Tina and Uriah Walker"
>Subject: follow up to message
>Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 13:04:33 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>This email is to follow up the voice mail that I just left on your cell
>phone. I have posted a last attemtp to contact you on the faunaclassifieds
>boi before posting all details of our transaction and taking necessary
>to aquire a refund for items not shipped.
>Uriah Walker

I am sorry for the lack of communication. I am having a hard time right now
trying to deal with all the complaints. I am between a rock and a hard
place. I have paid for the racks and he has not made them. I am willing to
work with you as needed. I am told I should have a couple of the 42 hole
shoebox racks soon. Will it help if I ship parts of your order as they
become available? If not I am prepared to try to set up payment plans to
refund money. I know this sucks. I am just wanting to try to keep customers
happy wich at this point I am not too sure I can do. The last thing I want
is a bad name. Please accept my apologies for the delay and I really hope we
can work this out.

>From: "Tina and Uriah Walker"
>Subject: Re: follow up to message
>Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 23:23:20 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>At this point the lack of communication is more of a concern of mine than
>the delay. The last time I heard from you was last Wednesday via my voice
>mail. In that voice mail you told me that Dominic would have my racks ready
>to ship that afternoon or first thing in the morning. I then left a voice
>mail for you that if something should come up to contact me and let me
> Now six (6) days later I finally hear from you and you tell me that they
>still aren't done? The only reason I'm even toying with the idea of
>out on the delivery of these racks is because of the price to hole ratio.
>Which brings another concern to my attention: at 6 tubs across and 7 high
>or 7/6 whichever, this will be an over size and over weight item to ship as
>will the 16 hole sweater box rack. So please do insure them in the event
>damage in transit to protect us both.
>btw: I've had 30 babies hatch out since placing the order that I don't have
>room enough for to house them singularly as I would like. I did buy you a
>couple of days by ordering two 10 hole plastic racks from Casey Hulse in MI
>that arrived at my door 6 days from the date of ordering them. And no they
>were not pre-assembled, they were custom built to meet my requirements.
>Uriah Walker

I can offer an answer to the question you ask. He wasn't backordered when you placed your order. The acrylic wholesaler here in town did get backordered on most acrylic so he ended up seriously slamed when the acrylic bacame available. I will keep in better contact with you.

-------Original Message-------

From: Tina and Uriah Walker
Date: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 9:13:56 PM
To: ssscales@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: follow up to message

Shipping them as they are made is fine. I am curious about one thing though. I've been talking with another customer of yours this evening that has been waiting for their rack for over a month now. If your builder was that backed up at the time of my order why didn't you just say "I can't give you an exact ship date due to the work load of the person that builds these for me"?
You don't need to reply to that, I'm just venting at this hour.
I would just like to be kept updated on the progress every couple of days and I will still post about the quality once they arrive. I will leave out the the communication part of it as long as it gets better. I am still in need of both racks as soon as possible though, the two that arrived today are already full. I can hold off about another week at most, at which point I will have to have them built by another party.


Quick question for you. The sweaterbox rack holds the boxes that are the size just above the shoeboxes right? If so I have one that has been made but the guy demanded payment thru paypal and will not take this rack. It is white and is in two pieces. Each rack holds 8 of the boxes that are the size above the shoeboxes. Is this right? Would this work? Pease let me know.

Please send me your phone number and I'll call you...

>From: Tina and Uriah Walker
>To: SSScales@hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: follow up to message
>Date: Thu, 08 May 2003 18:08:25 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>That sounds about right. I just want to make sure of a couple of things
>first. When you say that they're white, do you mean a solid white or an
>opaque white? And are the shelves cut to allow heat tape to be installed
>and run from one rack to the other?

Good news!!! The 16 hole shipped out today in 2 pieces. The slots where cut
so they can be used as one rack and the heat tape will run thru them.
Tracking numbers thru UPS are
Please let me know when they arrive.

>From: Tina and Uriah Walker
>To: ssscales@hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: follow up to message
>Date: Thu, 08 May 2003 23:18:05 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>Hey Robert,
>Just wanted to type up what we were able to come up with on the phone...
>I'm willing to work with the two piece 16 hole rack as long as there is a
>slot routered into the top shelf in order to run one continuous piece of
>heat tape from one rack to the other.
>With the 42 hole...If the rack is too large to ship and it does have to be
>made as two pieces, then I will need slots routered at each shelf to run
>heat tape straight across each shelf.
>The 16 hole will ship tomorrow, and the 42 hole no later than Monday
>but preferably Saturday.
>Think I covered everything there. Can't wait to see them and get them
>filled up.

What do you mean you get no response from me at my home e-mail address??? You send this e-mail at the same time as the one to my work!!! I now know that my work is being used to intimadate me!!!! FYI if anything happens to my job I will have no way to refund any money. Is this what you are trying to accompiash??? I do not know why this was necessary as you have sent NO e-mails discussing any of this to this e-mail addy!!!! If Uriah has any problems he can call me and talk to me about it as I have told him. This is unacceptable!!!!!

-------Original Message-------

From: Tina and Uriah Walker
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2003 7:26:55 AM
To: ssscales@hotmail.com; robert@feedersemporiumcorp.com
Subject: Urgent Response Required!!

Robert - This is Tina Walker - Uriah's wife. I am e-mailing you today, because Uriah is at work and I just can't stand by and watch this situation deteriorate any longer.
First of all, I apologize for e-mailing you at work, but we cannot get a reply from you, so I am becoming desperate in a response.
Because of the situation, we had to purchase another rack last night. Not that it matters to you, but the money for this rack had to come from our "non-herp" fund, which I'm sure you can appreciate is not the best thing.
When we placed the order for the two racks with you, we were under the understanding that these racks would be built and shipped within 2 weeks. This was acceptable at the time, because we were just beginning to see hatchlings of our reptiles. Since this date, we have had 40+ animals hatch, which means that our animals are double and sometimes tripled in each tub. This is completely unacceptable to our standards of herp breeding. It does not allow us to monitor the feeding of each animal, and we believe it adds unneeded stress.
Not delivering on an agreed purchase is unacceptable to most people in the herping, (or any business) for that matter. But when the nondelivery of product begins to affect the livelihood of a business (our business), the situation becomes a dire and urgent one.
Therefore, we are requesting an immediate refund for the undelivered rack ($260). We are requesting that the refund come via paypal. If the refund cannot be done thru paypal, please contact us so that we can agree on another method. I do NOT want the refund to "drag on" for a month (much like the rack has), because we need to replenish our "non-herp" fund with the money we needed to use to purchase another rack.
Also, my husband received the 16 drawer rack yesterday. I believe he was trying to contact you regarding it. We are not happy with the construction of this rack either, and do not believe it was delivered as represented. He will contact you later today to discuss a return and refund of this rack as well.

You may contact either myself or Uriah at either 717-418-2450 or 717-312-0780, or 717-418-1459 today to discuss the situation.

If we do not get a response from you today regarding this matter, we will be forced to elevate the situation and take appropriate action.

Thank you for you understanding!

Tina and Uriah Walker
-------Original Message-------

From: Feeders Emporium Corp
Date: Friday, May 16, 2003 12:50:11 AM
To: Tina and Uriah Walker
Subject: Re: 42 hole update

I am not sure. I have gone to his shop for the last 3 days and no one
has been there. May I ask why you are writing me at my work e-mail and
not my other e-mail? Since I have not been able to get this rack out
would you like a refund? Please let me know because I am seeing you
writing me here as a form of intimadation. The rack was sold to you thru
my company before I started working here and has nothing to do with this
company so it inappropriate to contact me here to settle this dealings.
Let me know how you would like to procede.

> Hey Robert, what's the verdict on that 42 hole rack?
> Uriah

Yes you are right but we have written at least 2 e-mails back and forth
since then. I have copies of them on my home computer. I have recieved NO
phone calls from Uriah since the rack arrived!!!! Why NOT???

>From: "Tina and Uriah Walker"
>Subject: Re: Urgent Response Required!!
>Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 16:44:38 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>First of all Robert - Uriah has been trying to contact you by phone and by
>email. He sent this email the other day requesting a refund on the 42 tub
>I apologize for writing you at your other e-mail, but I did so because my
>e-mails to this account have been bouncing back as undeliverable. I'm not
>out to intimidate anybody here, I'm only trying to get a product, that has
>been paid in full, shipped out in a timely manner. I also realize that
>certain circumstances have prevented the person that builds these racks
>from completing them on time. I feel that I have been very understanding
>this matter. However, I'm out of room and patients to be waiting who knows
>how long to have it shipped now. I do appreciate your efforts to
>accommodate me in this matter, but at this point a refund may be the best
>I'll let you know how the other rack arrives tomorrow and thank you,
>Uriah Walker
>This email was sent to ssscales@hotmail.com 5/16 at 1:29AM., but we recd no
>response. I even believe he has called with no reply.
>I am NOT trying to intimidate you...I'm only trying to get a reply and to
>have this situation made right. We have been patient and have tried to
>understand the situation - but we have animals hatching and need to do
>something quick. I do not want you to lose your job - I would only hope
>would understand our situation that we may lose animals because of the
>Secondly - and this is really the piece that I don't understand - how can
>you not have the money to refund, when we haven't received the product?
>t the basis of this business not to spend what is not yours until the
>product/animal has been delivered and the customer is satisified? I know
>ve been tempted to "spend" the money that we have recd for our animals
>to shipment, but I do not think it is fair to all parties involved, until
>the animal has arrived safe and sound. I think this is just good business
>I'm not sure of the relationship between yourself and your rack partner,
>all I ask is that you put yourself into our shoes. What if you ordered a
>rack from us and you still don't have the rack more than a month later.
>would you feel if you spent your hard earned cash on something, yet to
>recieve anything in return. I seriously doubt that you would act any
>different than we are.
>Uriah didn't really want me to talk to you because he was afraid that I
>would "piss you off" and we would never see our money again - and usually I
>stay out of these things....but this situation has reached the end for me
>and I really don't know what else to do.
>He should be home shortly and I'll explain to him what I've said to you - I
>know he will be upset with me - but it won't be the first or the last. I
>only hope you will be home to discuss this with him.

Yes that is correct. I spoke with Domenick late this afternoon and asked why he made this rack out of 1/8 inch acrylic and he reminded me that it was ordered like that by gentleman who had originally ordered it. I wish I had remembered but didn't because the tubs where in the rack and it seemed sturdy. My first priority that day was to get the rack out to you so I picked it up and had it shipped by 9:00 am. I wish I had checked it out better but I didn't and there is nothing I can do about it now. Sorry bout freakin out on the phone earlier but this is just what happens when you have one of those mental breakdown things.

-------Original Message-------

From: info@geckoville.com
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2003 9:50:11 PM
To: ssscales@hotmail.com
Subject: recap of telephone conversation

Just wanted to recap our discussion we had earlier this
When you get paid in a couple of days you'll send a refund
for the rack that has not been delivered. Once a refund is
received for the second rack that was shipped, but am
unsatisfied with, I will ship it back to you within 2
business days.
Please confirm the contents of this email at your earliest

Thank you,
Uriah Walker

Uriah I stil haven't gotten my paycheck but as soon as I do I will send your money out.

-------Original Message-------

From: info@geckoville.com
Date: Friday, May 23, 2003 11:50:37 AM
To: Robert Raasch
Subject: Re: recap of telephone conversation

Robert - please reply....


These are just the email that I have received responses from, here the more recent ones that have gone unanswered:

Robert - we have been VERY patient - but a refund MUST be made ASAP!!

Tina and Uriah

I just left a voice mail on your cell phone, not sure if you're checking them or not...Please contact me with details of our current situation before I take it the wrong way and am forced to try and collect the refund for the rack not yet shipped.

Uriah Walker

Robert Raasch,
I just left another voice mail on your cell phone trying to get in contact with you to find out what is going on. The lack of your response, both to my emails and messages, is getting very old. I feel as if I am being completely ignored in this matter. I've been very patient with you and have done my best to work with your situation. If I don't hear back from you tomorrow I will take actions to obtain my refund from you.

Uriah Walker

Robert Raasch,
I just got off the phone with Paypal concerning our transaction. Since the transfer of funds took place more than 30 days ago they can't immediately freeze your account, but you probably already knew that. They are still going to look into the matter though and will be contacting me back within 30 days. They also sent me links to various agencies that I can report internet fraud to including the FBI. I'm giving you ONE (1) last chance to contact me to resolve this issue before I click on all five links that were sent to me to report this incident.

Uriah Walker

I am making every attempt to get my refund of $260 (I already sold the rack that was shipped, so you don't have to worry about that one) for the rack that has not been delivered. We had a written agreement for payment, via email which I still have, for a refund to be made. You stated that you were going to send it when you got your paycheck the next week. So how many paychecks have you received since then? I don't know why I'm still playing this game with you Robert, its getting VERY old. I can understand a couple of things going wrong from time to time, but this whole situation is out of control. I really thought that taking this matter up with Paypal would bring this issue to an end, but apparently I need to take it even further. At this point Robert, if I don't see some sort of refund by Sunday the 29th of June I will have no problem posting every email pertaining to this matter on the BOI (unedited) as well as forwarding all information to the five internet fraud agencies provided to me by Paypal.
I'm not out to ruin anyone's name here, but you're pushing me into a corner. I've been straight with you, even worked with you to try to get this issue resolved by taking the other rack that was already built. By this time I would have even expected you to come back and say that the other rack had been completed and ask if I wanted it, but nothing, not a word from you in regards to a rack or a refund. All I ever get, if anything, is a "I'm working on it". This is no longer acceptable.

I will be expecting to hear from you soon, you can reach me via email at any time and on the phone after 6pm EST. (717-418-1459)

Uriah Walker

For any of you who took the time to read all of the emails, you can see that I've afforded Mr. Raasch every oportunity to right this situation. It has come to the point that he is no longer answering either number that I have for him nor replying to emails sent to any of the three know addresses that I have for him.
This posting is a final attempt to get Mr. Raasch's attention before getting various internet fraud agencies and his local authorities involved in the matter.

Uriah and Tina Walker