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Thread: Giant tegu!!
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Old 01-01-2009, 04:23 AM   #39
Seamus Haley
Originally Posted by varnyard View Post
No Seamus is a troll that has been banned from more websites than I can count. He has a real problem with trolling, just as he is doing here. Fauna is one of a very few places he is welcome, thus the reason he is here now. It is just a matter of time until Rich sees him for what he is too.
As for my tegus, well the pictures don't lie, they are what they are. The biggest, and best that can be found anywhere, need I say more?
So uh... in his own words, Bobby can't count to one. I've been banned from one website Bobby. One that I *might* be allowed back on if I asked, I haven't really looked into it in the last couple years.

And Bobby, you need to say more when you're selling them as being something that you aren't yet 100% certain that they are. Probably isn't definitely and you simply do not have enough information to make many of the claims you have regarding that group of animals.

You plan on refunding people if none of the offspring shoot up to the size of the parents by three-four years of age? How about the people you sold them to as locale specific Chacoans now that it's come to light that you don't have the slightest idea where these animals originated?