FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Truth Behind Carolina Reptiles/ NCREPTILES
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Old 01-10-2009, 01:33 PM   #14
Well I think it's a pretty cruddy thing to tell a domestic abuse victim "it's as much your fault for not leaving!" I also know that domestic abuse is split pretty evenly between men and women being the perp. (though women are more likely to be seriously injured from domestic violence)

Normally in this situation the last thing I would do is judge someone, unfortunately (in this case) that's part of this board's function; judging if claims are true or false. Not really knowing Jan or Carolina Reptiles there's no way I can say who's telling the truth! Jan, photos and other evidence would help. Carolina Reptiles, did the Animal Control folks or even the Police give you a report? Not that the domestic situation is directly relevant, but considering she was hinting you were the abusive one, well it would call her post into more question.