FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptster.com experience with show sponsorship not good
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Old 01-23-2009, 04:05 AM   #1595
Any updates on this?

I looked at the website, and it's still saying that it will be "just a few days" until they have their software up and running again....

I love some of the cover-our-rear statements they make here....but they could have summed it up more more simply by just saying, "No matter what happens, we aren't responsible...and please don't try to get your money back when something does go wrong, because we need it more than you do." LOL.

Reptster is changing our shipping vendor. This change requires reconfiguration and in some cases a rewrite of our shipping software. We apologize for any inconvenience that this change may cause you. We have just a few more days of testing and development remaining.

Just a few reminders. Reptster.com is a reseller of shipping services. As a reseller, we only provide an interface to the shipping provider's services. Any and all transactions, agreements, and guarantees are made between you and the shipping provider (UPS). What does that mean? Well, to put it bluntly Reptster.com is not responsible when FedEx or UPS screws up. We will work with you to resolve any problems that may arise when using the shipping services. Refunds will not be available until Reptster.com has received a refund from the shipping provider.

Credit card charges. There has been considerable confusion over credit card charges. Our credit card authorization company is Tekton Web and Tekton uses PayPal. When you use our shipping services, your bill may have one or all of these companies listed.

Please do not chargeback! Credit Card chargebacks threaten our ability to provide this service to the Reptile and Amphibian community. In all cases, the chargebacks we have received could have been avoided had the customer either called or sent us an email. In one case, a (former) customer had to lie to their credit card company in order to get the chargeback issued. If you have a question about a charge or if a mistake has resulted in a duplicate charge, please call us or email us. We have, in the past, and will continue to resolve most issues within 24 hours.