FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Need opinions on a bad deal with Tim Bowles of Arboreals of the Rainforest!!!
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Old 07-19-2003, 09:46 PM   #52
Ghi Reptiles
Hey Danny,

Thanks but Tim has already made up his mind. I could tell that wednesday night when he talked to me. It was quite obvious after talking to him that in my opinion I was set up from the begining. It all comes together now:

1. Tim wouldn't ship until I paid up front.

2. Tim NOT wanting to be responsible for anything that happened during shipping.

3. Tim needing a witness to our deal.

4. Tim needing a witness to see how the box was packed.

5. Tim shipping the box so it arrives by noon with no writing on it of any kind stating live animals or the like.

6. Tim only putting four very insignificant airholes in the box of which only 1 went all the way through.

7. When telling Tim of the tragedy on the phone and asking him to look at the pictures I was in the process of sending him, he simlpy stated something like dude I told you not to use UPS and that happened during shipping, without even looking at them.

8. Having a friend of Tim's tell me that Tim told him that I was taking full responsibility for using UPS and was buying the animal in 'as in' condition.

9. Tim's sudden hatred toward me for me trying to get my money back!

In my opinion it all adds up to a well thought plan that I am ashamed for not seeing when he was asking for all the money up front!