FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Exotic Pets (Ken Foose)
Thread: Bad Guy Exotic Pets (Ken Foose)
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Old 03-16-2009, 08:37 PM   #4
Jessica, Get a hook! Argentine boa's get large and can be snappy!
Many places on line have hooks.

As far as Ken, I thought he offered you a reasonable solution, yet YOU were willing to keep the snake IF he offered you a refund/discount on the animal. Since he wouldn't give you that, he's a bad guy?
Sheesh! people want something for nothing nowadays!
As far as the c.c. refund, MAYBE he forgot to add the shipping charge that he added to ship the snake to you.

I don't think this warrants a bad guy post, just a mis-understanding, and I'm sure Ken will correct it, IF what your saying is true.

Randal Berry