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Old 03-17-2009, 01:18 PM   #3
Tiger Lilly
Glad to see you in here!

Originally Posted by timebider View Post
Also, my husband is somewhat freaked out by the fact that I am now "known" to animal control as an exotics breeder (apparently the firemen were frightened by all the snakes, so I'm on the radar). It'll be a slow process of several years starting back up but I hope to have a legitimate, respectable herp business eventually.
It's good to have rediscovered this community!
Long-winded Lynn
In light of the event, (which I'm truly sorry for), the visual on that is just funny--big, bad firemen run into fire, but get frightened by the reptiles!
You are up & about early--glad to see you holding true to your word. I take it you've been reading A LOT, huh? I've already sent off my emails to help with the cause. Hopefully there are enough of us to keep bills/legislation like this from passing!