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Thread: toe nail loss?
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Old 03-27-2009, 12:01 PM   #10
Just wanted to state as a breeder that toe and tail nips can and will happen. It is a common occurrence. Lets face it no one has enough space to house hatchlings individually. Small groups can help keep the number of nips down a lot but dragon babies are frenzy feeders some are worse than others. Sometimes one baby mistakes a toe or a tail for a worm. It can and will happen no matter how close you monitor or how well you care for your babies. It does not take away from the value of the dragon or quality but usually a discount is offered. It will not affect the adult in any way if it had a minor toe or tail nip as a baby.
I had a small adult bite off her own toe by accident. She had a silkworm crawl on her back foot and she grabbed it a little to quick and took her toe off at the same time. I watched it and felt bad for her but not much you can do and it is not a poor reflection of the breeder.