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Thread: primate haters
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Old 03-27-2009, 04:09 PM   #36
A) i was in the hospital, i could not let them starve for 10 days!
Then call someone *responsible* to take care of them, not your moronic friend.

Or at least ask her to leave the dog at home. Is it joined to her at the hip or something?

b)the huge predator as you called him had been in my home and the room more than once over several years without any problems.
And Seigfried & Roy didn't have any problem with their tigers until one day...

*ANY* combination of animals has the potential for serious conflict (even herbivores of different species), and when one of those animals is a predator which outweighs the other by more than 10 times, it's pretty much guaranteed that something bad will happen.

Are you seriously too stupid to have thought "Hrm, a big strong dog and a small, somewhat fragile lizard - if something goes wrong, the lizard is dead."? Or were you perfectly content to risk the life of your animal for no good reason?

how can you say im not responsible enough to own anything behond a goldfish?
The fact that you're too stupid to consider the possible ramifications of inviting an 80-lb predator into the same room as an 8 lb lizard?

The fact you've evidently bought a social animal with absolutely no consideration for its psychological needs?

Or maybe the fact that you think "I want it" is sufficient justification for owning any damn fool thing that strikes your fancy? Is a pet rhinocerous next?

the fact that i raised him over 9 years speaks for its self.
It's an iguana, not a Bornean earless monitor. Any idiot with google can raise one.

trying to get over the fact that something like that happned to one of my babies was not an easy thing to deal with. and knowing that if i wasnt sick i would have been here and it might not have hapend didnt help either. nothing about that was easy to deal with no is it something i want to have someone else tell me that was my fault. dont you think i know i should have been the one taking care of them? what makes you think it didnt break not only my heart my childrens who loved him and to this day refuses to let me get another iguana because there afraid to get attached to it and something happen.
Good. You should suffer, since it was entirely your fault for not taking a moment to actually *think* about what you do.

Unfortunately, it's pretty evident you've not learned, nor are you willing to learn.