FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - **Enigma Neurological Problems** not to be bred?
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Old 04-05-2009, 06:34 PM   #8
Originally Posted by MicroZooKits View Post
So that would mean that the enigma mutation in general caused the disorder and that ALL enigmas possess this disorder just to different intensity values. Which would explain why breeding two enigmas together increases the chance of the offspring's value being more intense because you have two parent values contributing instead of one.

For example if Parent A has a defect value of 20/100 while parent B has a defect value of 32/100 the offspring are more likely to have a higher ratio themselves then say only one parent carrying a 20/100 defect value?

(1/100 being not noticeable while 100/100 would be a gecko that can't even function)

So would an enigma with let's say a defect value of 10/100 be able to produce offspring with a higher value even if bred to a non enigma?
It really doesn't work that way though. I've done as much outcrossing as anyone with the Enigmas (and basically everyone that has them outcrosses as it is a dominant gene) and it's not a matter of not breeding Enigma to Enigma or breeding Enigmas that had two Enigma grandparents. Most Enigmas only show very subtle signs of any sort of issues, but there are some that will be more affected. Some that hatch with noticeable issues seem to "grow out of it" which may just be the brains way of compensating for the vestibular difficulties. Periods of stress (breeding, change of environment etc.) seem to cause these symptoms to increase as well, but many times when the stressful period is over the animals will begin behaving more normally. It's not understood yet exactly what an Enigma really is genetically, but I have geckos being studied now (they have been for more than 6 months) by one of the best vet programs in the country. Full results will be posted as soon as I have them.