FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Anyone Looking For Anolis Carolinensis?
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Old 04-25-2009, 01:29 AM   #10
Bryan S
Originally Posted by gasteriaphile View Post
Bryan, you have been thoroughly brain-washed by The Government Apparatus. Of course you are getting screwed. Whenever you ask the Government for anything they are going to say "no". I quit asking the Government about permission to do things that are completely harmless years ago. I am happier now and the Government doesn't know anything anyway.

Let's see if I have this straight. You are in Hawai'i? Anolis carolinensis is an alien animal to the Hawaiian Islands, yes? So you are collecting an exotic lizard that should not be in Hawaii in the first place, and you want to "export" it (as if the United States were another country?!) to the mainland, where the Green Anole is native? Excuse me but I don't see any rationale here for the Government to object, other than the fact that the Government doesn't want its citizens to have too much liberty. That would be awful. So "just say no"! No problem!

Sheesh. Americans are becoming sheep.
Trust me, if I were the "lucky" type I'd say screw it and do it anyway, I'm not and I'd probably spend 10 years in a federal pen

I am far from a sheep, but in a country where you can go to prison for defending yourself in a fight for "injuring someone excessively" or for shooting someone who is threatening you or your family, what do you do? Free country my rear. However this is a STATE rule, so it's on the state of Hawaii this time not the feds.