FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Inquiry Au Duong Phong ;Has Anyone been Dumb enough..
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Old 05-15-2009, 09:31 AM   #22
To be fair, it hasn't been shown that the snake he is selling is sick. True: It has been exposed to other snakes that likely died from respiratory infections or equipment that was used with them.

He was honest about what happened to the other snakes. For what it's worth, I think that takes a person bigger than a scammer to do that.
I disagree. I think he is engaging in emotional blackmail. He is saying that he had three snakes, two died, and the last one could be sick too, so buy it and save its life by taking it to the vet because he won't. He is basically attempting to implicate anyone who doesn't buy it in its fate. If this wasn't the case, then he would get it to a vet or a rescue instead of trying to sell it.