FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Maybell finally laid her eggs (29 of em)
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Old 05-24-2009, 09:50 PM   #1
Maybell finally laid her eggs (29 of em)

After all the waiting today i came home to find all the dirt of my bearded dragons lay box all to the opposite side of the bin from where it had been when i left a few hours earlier. I took a look at her and sure enough she was empty, so the long slow process of digging them up began. This i couldnt believe, she had laid TWENTY NINE eggs. I just kept undigging them, i wasnt sure when it would end. This was is my first time breeding bearded dragons, but i do know that 29 is quite a bit. Theyre all comfy in the incubator now though and im trying to fatten her back up. Something seems to be wrong with her eyes though, im not sure if dirt got in them from when she was digging or what but that is worrying me. Other than that everything is going good now.