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Thread: Bad Guy BEWARE OF PIJAC!!!!
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Old 05-26-2009, 02:50 AM   #177
Originally Posted by BryonsBoas View Post
Nope, I'd say they called and why I didn't call back. Don't know Brian, can't speak for him but I'd imagine he either got told some irate person called, some a-hole called or he might not have gotten the message. I would think as busy as BHB is, there are possibilities he never got the message. Again , couldn't tell ya for sure.
Yes that could have happened if he was in fact irate, Bobby claims he was not and I have no proof to think he was, I am not one to make assumptions such as that. Doing such would be calling him a liar without proof, not something a smart person does.

I can't say Brian got the message and decided to not call back, I can't say he didn't get the message either, what I can say is that you left out that one option of him getting the message which makes me wonder if you have an opinion on the matter. If you do I'd like to hear it and the reasoning behind it, I'm someone open to hearing all sides so long as they have some basis for their stance.

Big breeders forcing small breeders out would help them corner the parts of the market in which those smaller breeders hold and allow them to sell to every pet store in the country without competition for example but I simply have not been a party to any of this stuff so can't reach a conclusion on any of it. Like I said too much speculation in so many areas for anyone whom hasn't been involved to know for sure what is going on. We only know what those involved want us to know. What does this mean? It means 99% of us are in the dark and are really just creating hypothetical scenarios based on our deductive reasoning skills, really it is pointless as we don't know the facts.

Only time will tell.