FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - David Van Houten, Logan Enterprises. Use extreme CAUTION!
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Old 05-31-2009, 02:31 PM   #53
Casey Hulse

A quick update
I finally produced an albino from Davids "het"
I took his het, bred it to an albino male, and got real het albinos, kept 2 females, bred them this year and got a total of 11 good eggs. The first clutch (5 eggs)is hatching, and 1 of them is an albino!
So far with Davids "het" I have produced 4 clutches of 8 eggs, 8 poss. hets the first yr. 8 real hets. the next. 4 mojave and 4 normal the next, skipped a yr. and she just laid 8 eggs yesterday!
It only took about 7 years to get an albino from 1 of David Van Houtens