FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - QUESTIONS FOR THE FEMALE SNAKE-OWNERS
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Old 06-02-2009, 05:50 PM   #27
Oh Oh!! me next! ME NEXT!!

1. What type of snake(s) do you own?

balls, a couple of boas, a king and various other pets.....minus the dog(need a yard first)10 and counting!

2. What sparked your interest in the particular snake(s) you own?

been obsessed with the strange from the get go, started herping at a young age with the neighborhood boys and my mum couldn't get me to girlify for all of her trying. All the snakes I have, have all grabbed my interest at one point or another, I just love them all to bits!

3. Do you have help with your snake(s)?
(This is NOT a married/single question! Some of us have snakes & husbands/boyfriends that want nothing to do with them!)

Yes actually! I seem to be the rare few whose family/sig other is more than willing to help. After all, it was the hubby's snake that got me onto boids

4. How tall are you?


5. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your size/age?

Eeeehhhh, kinda. My big girl is still growing, and I think she will be about all I want to handle, lol. As gorgeous as the burms and retics are, I don't think I'm ballsy enough to tackle those, not yet anyways!

6. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your security/safety factor?

heck no!!! I can't stop getting more, thankfully hubby just shakes his head, nods and smiles lol.

7. What is your age group?


8. How many of you have had your love of the scaley ones ruin a relationship ?? Friend? Lover?? IN LAW??

My parents think they are gross and dirty vile things and think we are mental for even raising the kids around them. Oh well, I'm not much of a dog person(meaning I got tired of treating them like people growing up) so I give them the same schpeel. They sneer and turn up their noses, but that just gives me more reason to not have to socialize with them

As for lovers, heck, I was introduced to the wonderful world of boids by my mate! RIP Arlo!

9. Do you have an "if I die" list, of who gets, or what to do with the "collection" once you pass

No, I don't have a "list". But what a wonderful idea! Although I really don't have to worry much, the hubby is more than capable and willing, and the kids love them(for now anyways), so I am sure they will be well looked after.

10.Why do you keep the species you work with? What are your goals with them?

The boas I have I am planning on breeding at the end of the year(Thelma will be old enough and big enough by then) and hopefully*fingers crossed* get some snows, or at least some albies and anerys. I really became interested in breeding boas because i wanted to have little arlos slithering around because he was getting on in age (he lasted a wonderful 16 years), but sadly his gf had caught an RI when we moved to our new apt and never recovered, and never got him a new gf.

The balls I have because they are just to cute!! I love their littel puppy faces and their quirky personalities. They are so easy and laid back, and the kids love them. I do plan on breeding the little beasties when they get of age.

I also have a Caulker Cay boa that I plan on getting a bf for in the future(thats if Harald doesn't sell me his other pair) I got her as a pressie for the hubby, as he loves boas more than anything.

The black mexican king was another gift for the hubby(I am very good at paying attention to what he wants without him knowing). He's a spunky guy who we plan on getting a gf just because.

And my latest addition is a rosy boa. YAY!!! After many hours of driving aimlessly around we finally found the spot, so we plan on going back and getting a female so that we have a locality pair.