FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Shipping Problems
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Old 04-10-2002, 02:28 AM   #9

  What were you thinking shipping mammals anything other then Delta dash with a cert from a vet and with your USDA license number. You not only broke most state laws but federal ones. If I were you I would ask to have the post of what you did deleted, because this proof of federal laws you have broken. Remember you can only ship live mammals air cargo and propertly maked and with all thier peer work. Al  I can say is DUMB DUMB DUMB
This is like telling your friends you broke into some cars and stole the stereos in front of the Police station.

You should never do this again for the sake of the animals and you A$$.

If you want to do mammals you best check all the laws. The Game and fish in you stae will give you the book for free and when you ship you need to know that states laws also to cover you a$$. I can'yt say it enough never ship mammals any other way then cargo.