FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Shipping Problems
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Old 04-10-2002, 11:23 AM   #10
Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
I have been using UPS to ship reptiles for a while now and have had no major problems.  Packages have always arrived on time and I have had no DOAs.  The only problem I ever have is when a new driver comes for a pick up and says, "I can't take live animals, it is against the rules."  But then I show them the rules and give them the names of who to contact regarding my account, and no more problems  I am one of the last stops on their route for pick up, so the animals are not in the truck that long.  
But Winston, I have to agree, shipping the mammals through them was not the best idea.  Mammals HAVE to go through airlines, no questions.  The only exception I know of are frozen feeders.