FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What happened to BOI????
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Old 07-16-2009, 01:06 PM   #65
I'm bit of a lurker on this site. Posting on the rare occasion, but mostly reading the threads on the BOI, as well as others. I generally keep to CS.com, because the bulk of my collection happens to be, corns. I do happen to make the trek over here and take a look around. I, as well as my wife, are contributing members at CS.com. I am also a contributing member here. Something I was compelled to do and did about a month ago.

As I mentioned, I felt compelled to contribute here, even though I am not a very active member, because I realize that it takes dollars to keep resources like this running. I think that thought is getting lost on the people who aren't contributing.

I wonder what we can do to lessen the potential liability, that Rich faces, for having a forum like the BOI. Maybe, he can have people buy into it, kind of like shares, so that a community would own it, instead of one person? Would that lessen the liability? Would that keep it alive?

Just a thought
