FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - About the BOI and it's future here...
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Old 07-22-2009, 07:08 PM   #7
I've had several people ask me pointedly if I have ever had someone actually sue me over this site. Well, except for the JeffB suit, which was indirectly related to a BOI issue (I refused to delete a thread upon demand), and escalated from there, no, I have had no other threatened lawsuits actually take place.

However, I get the threats FREQUENTLY. And there always appear to be one or more potential lawsuits waiting in the wings. To give you a for instance, I recently got an email from someone gloating over their interpreting my shutting down the BOI temporarily as my doing so in response to a lawsuit being levied against me. In that email was a link to another website apparently populated with what looks like three people who have had issues exposed within this site and accordingly apparently hold myself and this site as being the cause of those issues. The thread was about this "lawsuit" they apparently assumed had taken place, and were obviously gleeful about it. And interestingly enough, there was a post made in it, that I think pretty much shows what I am talking about concerning the threat of lawsuits being an absolute reality in reference to the BOI having my name on the door.

The person allegedly offering financial assistance has passed a few emails back and forth with me, apparently not pleased about what a member on the BOI said about him within a thread there. He mentioned the possibility of a lawsuit himself, and it appears certain that he is still entertaining that thought from the evidence I see in that thread I am referencing.

So yeah, if any of you think this is some sort of joke, or merely a way to shake down the membership for money, you had better start facing the reality of what I am saying. You won't get a second chance once it is gone if it comes to that.

Anyway, a screen capture is attached as a FYI....