FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Selective spider breeding
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Old 07-25-2009, 08:16 PM   #72
Well here is how I see it,

A spider that wobbles severely shouldn't be bred, we are not here to reinforce severe wobbling after all. However, since it has been stated the founding male wobbled and that spiders that don't wobble can produce wobbling babies I strongly believe the wobbling is something tied directly to the spider genes and I highly doubt it can be bred out. Not all may exhibit the wobble but I'm sure most of those if not all still carry what causes wobbles.

I'd very much prefer a spider that doesn't wobble since it isn't a desirable trait, but I wouldn't permanently shelf an animal that expressed a slight wobble either.

I think there should be research done on wobbler to normal and non wobbler to normal breedings with %'s taken of how many animals expressed the wobble and to what severity.