FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Huge Snake Found In St. Augustine Neighborhood
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Old 10-02-2009, 05:10 PM   #7

It really is sad and happens more often then you could imagine. having lived in florida for the past 10 years and growing up there as a child, very seldom do venomous snakes survive once law enforcement is contacted. it doesn't matter who you call, the police, local animal trapper, or even reptile specialist's, 9 times out of 10 if its a venomous snake, it is killed on the spot. time and time again i have witnessed police officers pull what i call a "machete duct taped to a rake handle" out of thier trunks and simply whack the snakes head off. i have even tried to intervene with the police and ask if i can capture the snake and relocate it deep into the woods away from the public and the officer asked......"do you have a permit to handle venomous snakes?"....then he cut the snake in half right in front of me. very sad indeed and yes most people think that ALL venomous snakes want to do is break into thier house and go room to room biting and killing thier family lol.
this doesn't even cover all the "rednecks" and back woods "hicks" that get drunk and go looking for venomous snakes to kill with thier buddies. i'm surprised that this snake was "allowed" to get this large without being killed previously....had to be a beauty.