FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What do you get from Trip Het Breedings(Hypos het for Albino & Anery)
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Old 10-15-2003, 04:34 PM   #3
Seamus Haley
Little big, but it seems to have worked...

Using that punnet to look just at the two traits which the animals are heterozygous for, rather than homozygous and assuming hypomelanism as a given...

And keeping in mind that the percentages listed represent the individual chances for each zygote, not an absolute on what the breakdown of neonates would be...

Call A "normal" (in this example just hypo) melanin
Call a Albino.

Call X normal erythin
Call x Anery

AAXX would be hypos, het for nothing- a one in sixteen chance.

AAXx would be hypos, het for anery- a one in eight chance

AaXX would be hypos, het for albinism- a one in eight chance

AaXx would be hypos, het for albinism, het for anery- a one in four chance

AAxx would be hypo and anery- "Ghost"- a one in sixteen chance

Aaxx would be hypo and anery, het for albinism "Ghost het for
albino"- a one in eight chance

aaXX would be hypo and albino, visually this will just be albino- a one in sixteen chance

aaXx would be hypo and albino, het for anery- a one in eight chance

aaxx would be hypo, albino and anery. A snow that carries hypo genes- a one in sixteen chance

Now the fun part...

Since hets can't be identified visually when the trait is not apparant and you do have the potential to produce possible hets for either albinism, anerythism or both in each animal not displaying the traits, you need to determine what each morph is visually, then the chances that it's het for either one trait or the other.

For instance, any animal which looks like just a hypo (A nine in sixteen chance for each zygote) is 44% possible double het, 22% possible het albino and 22% possible het anery... Repeat with each genotypical possibility for a given phenotype.