FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Compensation from an airline for dead animals
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Old 10-17-2003, 11:36 PM   #1
Compensation from an airline for dead animals

I imported some reptiles this year and the airline in question did not sufficiently heat the cargohold enough. I had the CFIA vet(Canadian Food and Insepction Agency), who was inspecting the animals for import, agree that the animals were not heated.

I had paid for the animals to be heated and ventilated in their special cargo-hold for live animals. However, three of my animals have died b/c of the cold shipping conitions. I am seeking compensation from them and they refuse b/c they do not want to set a precedence. That is their offical policy, nevermind if they were wrong or not. I was wondering if anyone knows any cases where airlines Canada, US or international has paid out damages for causing death to animals while shipping them? Any suggestions?

It can be for any animal... as long as an airline has paid out for loss of a pet.
