FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Beware of Zach ashwood ( bad news )
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Old 11-17-2009, 05:04 PM   #91
Originally Posted by MikeRusso View Post
Zack, I know Exactly how the world works.. And, it is very clear to everyone that has respoded to this thread and everyone in the future who will read this thread that you sir are an internet scammer who pawns off unhealthy snakes on others!

TRANSLATION: To all, DO NOT do business with ZACK ASHWOOD, he will take your money then send you a sick snake that looks like the one posted above and try to convince you that its your fault. Period!

Way to go Zack, Good luck in the hobby!!

~ Mike Russo
Wow so I pawn off unhealthy snakes...yet this is the only guy who's ever been unhappy with a snake I sent. It's clear you DO NOT understand how things work so don't try to tell me what's what.

The actual translation is I'm the one getting scammed here. I have references, this guy doesn't yet you guys are picking the wrong side. I will not get scammed by this guy that's why I'm not refunding his money.

And Mike Russo...Good luck in life man it seems like you need help, I hope you get it.

Originally Posted by JordanAng420 View Post
The pictures of the wrinkly snake were taken on 11/14 if it was 5 days after the snake left Zach's house. How long ago were the pictures of the healthy snake taken?
I'm trying to check that too. It was not too long before that.

Originally Posted by dapozer View Post
Zach, you are a cheat, lair, and a con artist who's only motivation to keep snakes is for pure greed. You sent a snake that even you stated looked bad. why else would you try to clearify it after you stole his money and shipped this snake. I know this will end bad for the poor snake and Mike and I hope you will learn a lesson on how to deal with people properly from this experience. It really makes me mad that we have breeders out there that kill for the love of snakes and want all their customers to be happy and brag about their snakes, then we have people like you. I really hope you are not planning on expanding your backyard breeding program, one I don't think you have a clue, and second this is not a hobby for greedy people, this is a hobby of snake ownership, expand knowledge and breed in healthy ways to promote the livelihood of these animals.

I also don't know why you think him offering food was a bad idea( i'm not saying the best ideas but really doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things). Yes he might have been in shed, or might not have been. But even a shedding boa is able to no take food when offered without stressing it to the point. so he dangled food and the snake didn't take it. wow if that stressed snakes so much to waste all their body fat i would have alot of hurting animals. You're a scammer, simply put....
Wow alot of name calling for the big man with 6 posts. It's obvious you are not a reptile keeper and if you are man I'm sorry for your animals. Yes some boas will eat during shed...that doesn't mean you should do it. I'm far from greedy. I don't keep boas for the money. I keep them because they are fascinating animals. To call me a scammer just because you're mad is a joke. Go get some anger management help dude. I've yet to scam anyone...and never will. I've told you guys many times now the condition of the boa when it left my hands. What else do you need to know? He was an eating, pooping, and shedding boa before I shipped him.