FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - ~Steve from Serpent's Den~
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Old 11-25-2009, 11:01 PM   #16

Thank you so much for posting your experiences dealing with me, it was my pleasure doing business with you again.

Chuck is basing his opinions based on Newspaper articles that published 6 months after I caught the unlicensed rescuer offering my animals and property for sale on KS and that’s when the police started looking for me, isn’t that weird?. Chuck has never been to my store or had any business dealings with me to the best of my knowledge. Some people just have too much time on their hands and like to poke their noses around to stir things up even when they have very limited knowledge of a situation.

Chuck there was no reason to troll this thread and if people care to read the other thread they may do so and if they are intelligent enough they will sift through the garbage that trolls have posted to come up with there own understanding.

It's funny I've dealt with thousands of animals and many customers over many years with very few complaints, bottom line is when people are dealt a bad deal they complain, I have 1 mislabeled BAD GUY thread on the subject you just brought up and the original poster of that thread apologized to me for jumping the gun but only speculated on a BS newspaper article that was full of lies and inconsistencies.

My animals have and always will be top notch and pictures say a thousand words so go to my Myspace profile and take a look.