FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Good Guy Jay Frewer turtlesandtortoises.com
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Old 11-30-2009, 12:49 AM   #5
Not quite sure

My experiences with Jay consist of two transactions this past spring/summer with pancake tortoises. The first order was for 2.2, which arrived and appeared to be sexed correctly, although a little smaller than the ad stated.
The second transaction was for 1.2, which arrived, but appeared to me to be 2.1. I called Jay the day they arrived (Tuesday) to inform him of this and he seemed surprised and was apologetic. He stated he would send out a return shipping label for me to send 1 male back. When Saturday came with no label arriving, I called back and he stated it went out Friday. I waited a full week until the following Friday and it still hadn't arrived. When I called back, he said he didn't know what happened, but offered to send me another female at a discounted price. I figured that was my best option and accepted it. The female arrived and was acceptable. The label that was "in the mail" never did arrive. 2 of the tortoises from the first group have since died, but I know that is the risk of wild caught animals. I'm not sure if Jay has other employees helping him, but he made it seem that he was relying on others to select animals and send out the return label. These two transactions would make me hesitant to deal with Jay again.

Kevin Loewengruber