FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - "giraffe mojave"
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Old 11-30-2009, 07:34 PM   #7
I hate to say it... but the photo of the "Giraffe Ball" on the website looks EXACTLY like a normal... it looks like a LOT of the "morphs" on the website look a lot like normals... with slightly different patterns or colors...

I have VERY strong doubts that there is much of a genetic basis to many of them...

It claimed in the ad that the "Mojave Giraffe" was a "Double Co-Dominant" snake... That WOULD indicate that there is a "Super Giraffe" ball SOMEWHERE out there... now... I suppose if he were to post pictures of THAT Ball python somewhere (supposing that it exists), then it wouldn't really matter how much like a normal a "Giraffe" looks...

Until I see something to that effect, it's nothing more than a "Pretty Normal"