FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What herps have bitten you?
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Old 12-18-2009, 08:33 PM   #40
Herps = musk and mud turtles, a 28-lb snapper I was using to educate kids (that one got me by surprise!), box turtle, several species of snakes, chameleons, a beardie.

Birds: Umbrella cockatoo, cockatiel

Arachnids: stepped on a black widow in Tucson when I lived there; got a scorp sting when I picked it up last year thinking it was an escaped cricket in my house.

Dogs, cats, a squirrel, rabbit, mice, a horse once and when I was a third-grader, picked up a small dying bat, took it home and hid it in my bedroom to "save" it. It died hours later, but not before a nice little bite to my hand, which I also hid from my parents, until it became a bit infected. Turned out to be my first lesson in parental rage and why I should NOT touch every animal I see. Rabies shots suck.

Ah, good times