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Old 01-03-2010, 04:18 PM   #120
Venomoids a bit of truth for a change.

I see this forum and see the previous post by a zealot that reads
Quote -
I think snakes should be left the way they were created, thats the beauty of them.
end quote.
That's exactly what HSUS and the like say about pythons. Hence S273!
They say it is cruel and mean to stick big snakes in glass tubs.
So they FORCE their warped views on snake keepers.

It's the same for the anti-venomoid people.
They say taking out venom glands is butchery and cruel and so they force their views on those with venomoids by hassling the authorities to ban them.

Success in banning venomoids in various jurisdictions by a small band of misfits breeds success and now they go for the big one - they python ban.

Make no bones about it. That is what is happening.

Dodgy science claims that pythons will overrun north america. Same dodgy science claims all venomoids are dangerous and regenerate venom.

Here's a few accepted "facts".

According to various "reliable" internet posts, online petitions, sponsered by so-called herpers and the like, I, Raymond Hoser am a total butcher who hacks up snakes in my garage with a kitchen knife to make them venomoid.

Miraculously after six years, and in spite of my total butchery, none have died and more miraculously (because I am a clueless git) none of the over 40 snakes hacked up have ever regenerated a drop of venom juice. We know that because I line them up to make them bite me to prove the point. I had to do that after four years of arguing to disprove the widely posted "fact" that they had regenerated venom and were a dire risk to every inhabitant of Australia and anywhere else I went.

I was begged to produce such a video (because the snakes were supposedly dangerous) and my enemies hoped I'd take up the challenge and using the Darwin award theory, kill myself and yet no sooner had I stuck a little hard truth on "youtube" with lots of Taipans biting me, then the enemies petitioned youtube to remove the video.

We have since placed it on our website at:


see link at top of page, not to convert the world to owning venomoids, but simply to shatter the lie that these things regenerate venom and that our snakes pose some kind of mortal public risk.

Now I'm not going to bore you with the obvious details such as the need to test snakes after operations or issues such as what happens if venomous gets confused with venomoids in a facility where you have both (like ours), but in simple terms venomoid means no venom - ever and they are not dangerous.

It is the same as castration - balls gone, means balls gone - that simple.

By the way we don't supply or sell venomoids to anyone, but that's our choice. The snakes themselves are fine and with a 6 minute operation to render them free from a life of being tormented with sticks or "tongs" (God forbid - now that is something that should be banned!), we don't regard it as a serious issue for the said snakes either.

Now it's time to cut the crap about "er what happens if some is left behind" in venomoid operations.

Same could be said for a human head, if I cut off the ear instead of the whole head!

Also the bullshit about handling venomoids as a way out for novice snake handlers really grates and hides the truth. Venomoid surgery is principally for the welfare of the snake, not the owner. Handling deadly snakes is not particularly hard - I do this daily (venom intact). Freeing snakes from the need to be sticked and the like is the real benefit of venomoids and at the end of it all, those who argue against venomoids are actually arguing against the welfare of the snakes and arguing for all snakes to be tormented with sticks and the like. In the real world, it's that simple!

Meanwhile we shall continue to free handle our venomoids daily (for risk free live snake displays) and they will not suffer the undue stress and shorter lifespans otherwise caused by being stick handled several times daily.

PS Gotta go now and check the clutches of venomoid (parents) eggs in the incubator, because all de-stressed snakes do is FXXCK!

All the best