FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - ~Steve from Serpent's Den~
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Old 01-09-2010, 01:10 AM   #29
"Police said Schaffer previously complained about white mice being kept at the business, and authorities said they saw them at that time as well." Quote from post 22 from Critical Bill from the article he posted there.

I love tidbits that reveal some form of truth. Those of us that feed mice know that if the building had been vacant for 3 months then how were the mice still alive? After just a few days the mice usually will start killing each other off. Also how did this occupant from next door know so much if no one was going in and out of the building? He supposedly reported that there were venemous in unsecure cages and such?? Seems someone was either going in and out or had some inside info. There is alot to that story I could contiune to pick apart. I don't know Steve or this business nor have I done business with him but given the circumstances and alot of BS that some animal control and peta folks will do, I dont put alot of faith in their story unless I seen pics and video at the time of seizure. Everyone knows that they love publicity and this sounds like one that would have been great,,, if it were true.... Makes one have alot of questions.