FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Venomoids, the right and the wrong.
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Old 01-13-2010, 02:45 AM   #2
hmmmm so the surg doesnt hurt the snakes? i think there has to be some pain there dont you? oh thats right Ray u dont think. so you went out catching hots by hand then right? smart ant ya lol. how can you be fighting to defend a bill you dont even know the number to? lol so Ray what bill is S273 that you been fighting to defend? lol wow im impressed you caught some snakes, very good for you. u going to chop them up just so they can bite u too? its people like you that that get people wanting to ban things cause of ur lack of responsible ownership. so you named some snakes lol well hell i could walk out my door stump my toe fall off my step land in the dirt and just happen to find a new bug and name it pooh bear but that wouldnt make me a smart guy and a responsible owner just cause i got lucky cause i fell on my face. smart is being responsible and being responsible means taking all safty measures. showing kids that snakes can bite u is not smart and far from responsible. somewhere i ur own little world i do believe u think u are helping because of it but the reality is if some kid dies from getting bit it could just be because he saw u do it but we will never know and u are too ignorant to believe it could happen. talk all you want but im done wasting my time on you and i believe the others posting here are tired of it too so just have at it and we will just pass ur post by.