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Old 11-13-2003, 12:51 PM   #1
Unhappy Please Help Me!!!!!!! :(

I found my veild chameleon in very (dangeresly) bad shape today. I found him on the floor. He is very skinny and dihidrated. I also noticed that his back leg looks weird. I think it's broken. It's just hanging there. I tried moving it and i noticed he can still move his toes and bend his knee a little bit. but he trys to walk on it and he just stumbles. I don't know what to do. I know if i call a vet ,he's just gonna tell me to bring him in. But i'm broke and don't have a job. So im completely lost. I figured i only have a few choices:
1)Put him to sleep (the vet also charges to kill my baby, so it will have to be some other sort of death )
2) give him away (maybe the vet might take him)
I still love him and don't wanna give him up but i don't got any money to pay for surgery. So i need to find a nice enough person to take care of him for me untill i save up enough money to pay them back ,or find a vet that could help him in anyway. I don't don't know what to do.
Should i call the humain society?
Give him up for adoption?
Put him to sleep?
ANY suggestions will be helpful