FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptile Ethics, When do we say thats enough
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Old 11-17-2003, 04:34 PM   #30
Maybe you should read a little more slowly...

The items you mentioned are indeed used in surgery and can be obtained anywhere. HOWEVER.......................What I am refering to is the entire set-up you would need to PROPERLY and HUMANELY do the surgery! Anesthestics and the equipment to administer them. (Regulated) Injections for local anesthetics.(Of course you could purchase the syringes and needles..didn't want to miss that!) How about we throw in the training and experience in here as well..just a thought. If he has the training and background and it's not just a garage chop shop so to speak... Laser related surgical tools..I.E. for cutting and or cauterizing during the procedure? REGULATED. There are many other items but, I'm tired of it at this point. I'm sure that any equipment and or regulated items in his possesion are long gone. I wish nothing ill to happen to him or his family but, it may be for the best that this came to light. Authorities were contacted long before this thread came about. Not by me...that is just the understanding that I have on the inside of the matter. Will anything be done?? Who knows?? Are we supposed to stand back and ignore these things when they happen? Do we say, "Well no one's going to get charged why bother".? If one case out of 12 gets prosecuted..it's a start. In regards to the matter of me bringing up the "Retic" story..... I was making a point. Again.. No the authorities were not going to charge that person up until that point. It takes someone to push it and change minds to get them to follow through. Glad you took the tortoise and did something with it! You have to understand that I completed the story not to get a "pat on the back" only save time when people would have asked what happened with it. If I was fishing for a pat on the back it wouldn't be in this manner. I could give you a list of things we've done... does that makes us angels? NO It' makes us human beings! The surgery being done is complete removal of the glands. Have you seen any of the Venomids with sunken heads? I agree that Jesse got a little enthusiastic about the post. However, something was being done long before he even came here. Venting maybe? Not a crime in my book but, if it was to get this person charged itwould have been premature. He was asked specifically if he was getting the meds from his vet etc. etc. The man doesn't even own a scale? This is an experienced/trained person? Gee.. I don't need a scale to weigh my snakes, medication, determine anesthetics etc. I didn't say you agreed Bryan. I guess I was just trying to make the point that the illegalities of the case will come to light as long as someone doesn't turn their heads in frustration and say, "Why bother..no one will do anything, they'll never be charged or convicted?"
If nothing else he may have gotten scared and ditched everything. He may notbe performing any more surgeries in the manner he has. Best case scenario... He will go to Vet school and put that well... talent to an intelligent and humane purpose. Thanks Ray G. HBR