FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A ban-free environment
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Old 11-19-2003, 07:54 AM   #38

while i understand your point in having people gripe about there "right to defend themselves" to post in the BOI here is how i look at it .

If someone is doing buisness and puts them self in the postion to have to defend them selves ,chances are that they plan on selling more then just as a one time thing.I would say that it is no different then that person paying to have the right to sell there stuff on a paying classifieds ( you know where ) so i think a $10 fee to be able to come on here to defend your self would serve a good thing.If someone plans on staying around in this buisness as a good person they would have no problem in paying the $10 fee to defend / protect there name in there defense. The person that is not willing to pay the $10 to do so more then likely really doesnt care what people think of them anyway so the fact of not defending themselves doesnt matter , and probably must know what was said is true so why should they pay $10 to come in to lie about it anyway.I think if you set up something like that to let people know as of 1/1/04 that this would go into effect you would be surprised in a good way in the number of people willing to do so.