FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Good first venomous
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:11 AM   #8
Originally Posted by mambaman View Post
I have kept many different non venomous snakes before and a copper head for a while. I am wanting to get a venomous snake this summer. I am not sure which snake to get to start with though. I like the banded kraits but I have a feeling that would be a big no no for a starter since they are so dangerously venomous. What kind of venomous snake would you recommend to a starter?

Thank you.
If you've already kept copperheads in the past, you should be able to keep any of the small-medium rattlers as well. They are similar to keep and require the same polyvalent.

IMO, no pit viper is going to prepare you for cobras, kraits, etc. I don't necessarily think they are harder to keep but they are different in how they act/strike.