FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Breeding Room
Thread: Breeding Room
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:53 AM   #8
I dont currently have any full pics of just my building. but in some of my dragon pics posts, in the background you can kind of see some of my stuff.
I have a 10x20 long building.. at the entrance to your left is a rack w/ 58 qt rubbermaid tubs that have some of my dragons.. and all of my leopard geckos on it... incubators next to that... to the right... arachnid rack system.. meal worm colonies and superworm colonies... against back wall... i have one rack similar to the first w/ the rubber maids but just dragons.. next to it.. same... and next to that.. a 4x8... double stack cage system I built for my females