FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Howling gale bearded dragons
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Old 02-19-2010, 05:30 PM   #31
Originally Posted by crazycoolpaul View Post
I received multiply pictures of the yellow male i got
Tom I can't say that i have.
Thats right the one dragon that you got was what it was suppose to be.

But you said "I disagree". What are you disagreeing with?Thats where i was trying to get to the first time.
You had A good transaction with her. but this isnt about an animal dying and someone is being stubborn about the refund or partail refund. This is about a person who has/had/ been selling dragons for quite sometime, and PHOTO SHOPPED a picture to sell an animal. How many times has this happened before?
Sounds like she got scammed. Sorry Sheena. . Nicole if i am wrong about the dragon and it colors up to be bright red and yellow like the sales picture I do Apologize.

An whether Ed defends her or not it doesnt justify what happened and instead of trash talking Ed maybe you should ask him something:

If this was anybody else but Nicole, what would your honest opinion be on this situation?