FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - HELP: how long can a snake survive in transit?
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Old 02-22-2010, 09:26 PM   #22
Check her activity, after she gets her body back up to temp. A snake that cold for a spell can really mess with them. I had a power outage during an ice storm for 4 days once and while I was at work, all my snakes were freezing. I was able to save most of them by basically thawing them out. This, however, was a lot shorter time than what yours went through. How I warmed the survivors up was to use luke warm baths until they showed movement. After the water warmed them up to room temp, I stuck them all under appropriate heat lamps to make that I could dry them up. The ones that survived from the begining are all still alive and doing well. The ones that died were the tough ones. A couple of them I even gave CPR-ish type treatment to see if they could pull through. I have NEVER been the same since. I have all kinds of backup things for that type of circumstance now, generators, cig lighter adapters to heat cages off of the cars, relatives that KNOW I have tons of snakes that have no choice to take in an emergency, etc... Let me know if there is anyhting I can do to help.