FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Witblits dragons - true patternless beardies
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Old 02-25-2010, 08:11 PM   #90
red ink
G'day mates, (old post but i have just come accross it)

Patternless dragons may be new to the market but i can assure you they are not new. They are naturally occuring though rare in some locality specific populations in Australia. The ones that do occur naturally "look" like P.vitticeps and from first hand experience and "nothing like" the witblits "morph".

From my personal ovservations of the photos on their site the offsprings don't seem to have the typical characteristics of the parents. Head shape, latteral scaling, as well as the scaling on the base of the tail. Has this been questioned? I would not think that an F1 clutch would show such drastic change in characteristics from known P.vitticeps traits (as displayed by the pics of the parents). The anomally in the traits is not just restricted to the "paternless" in the clutch but the normal looking siblings don't seem to display the typical P.vitticeps traits either.

My 2 cents.