FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy ED CLARK... BUYERS and WHOLESALERS BEWARE..
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Old 02-28-2010, 01:01 AM   #33
Originally Posted by citruslover View Post
It kind of bums me out when people sell animals they didn't produce and don't disclose this to their customers. I know this is a common practice, but it brings with it problems like this.

Unknowing customers buy sick dragons from a seller (ED) who dodges responsibility by blaming his supplier (TOM). And even if it wasn't done publicly, Ed should be able to show the same # and type of dragons he wanted replaced in several emails to Tom. And I would say that if Ed was selling them for Tom, then Tom needs to replace them. But if Ed was selling these as his own, then he needs to take responsibility for his own stock and their health.

I am not really into the personal threats and attacks, but this board always finds a way to get people pushing other people's buttons. I probably would have waited for Ed to bring this to the boards against you, Tom. But I see how it has been weighing on you for last several months and you wanted to air things out.

Let the sun shine on the truth, Ed. More proof, less grandstanding. You like to pound people on the boards when the topic isn't you, clamoring for truth. Let's see it.

Jeff Crider
Well very well put...

I do not guarantee more than live arrival for wholesale. Off course most of you know (Breeders/sellers) we set our boundaries to let customers know there are guidelines. ANd that you cant push past them. A GOOD business person would replace those animals within a respectable time period. which even now i think a guarantee is alittle past due. but its not like i didnt throw him free stuff before and its not like i wouldnt do it again. you think i am gonna let some 20 30 40 dollar dragon ruin good business. That not me or what i am about.

Ed not once have ever claimed those animals to be mine in any of his post at all. Look at Ed's classifieds. does he ever disclose any other breeder in his post other than himself? I havent ever heard him describe one of his animals for sale as a b.b. line, or dachiu line or blood bank dragons line.

Jeff there is some bad blood there, and its like he keeps pushing me by sending e-mails about everything is sick but he wants more. everything is full of parasites but he wants more. and really i have never started a thread on the b.o.i. let alone against Ed. Our problems were weighing on me but they were our problems. but with the threats, i think i had my fill. I would have never posted our bus. but after receiving that e-mail this after noon. I felt like it was getting outta hand. I still want to know what he means by he will come to my apartment if he needs to?? Is that like he going to come down here and do something, or try to?