FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info US GLOBAL EXOTICS SPCA RAID
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:03 PM   #583
Ok...well cmon....lets do it. Im a sooooo not a choir girl....lol...hence I don't sit by and watch.

I don't know many ppl...but some....we can get a teleconference set up. Pick out ppl. I am sure the two of you alone know waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more ppl than me. I know a breeder that is highly respected not huge...but not tiny by any means. Im friend of a friend with the ear of a leading reptile vet in the southwest. Ken seems to know some wholesalers as well as breeders. Lets come up with something. It is not beyond me to pick up the phone and talk to ppl about this.....but again.....I am a total greenhorn. They probably would give me lip service unless this was totally serious and we had some real names on board.