FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Snakes at Sunset (Miami)
Thread: Bad Guy Snakes at Sunset (Miami)
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Old 03-20-2010, 03:03 PM   #82
Wendy, thats the biggest croc of blank I have ever heard, lol. Be realistic, wow.
And it IS a fast food business, we are constantly selling feeders ALL DAY. Over 75 mice a day alone. Thats not counting pinks, fuzz, hoppers, or jumbo mice. Nor rats. Our business is 85% feeders,and we have people who actually drive up to the back to get their order "to go" as we like have fun with it. We have people very much always in a hurry.
WE HAD NOWHERE TO PUT A MITE INFESTED SNAKE except in that display enclosure till it was taken care of. That so hard to understand? There was a snake previously in it, oh no!
It was in there no more then a few hours. Was treated while in it, hell that snake is not even the store anymore!
Is this concept hard to understand?
We did not want to mix the snake with others. The back has over 500 snakes. The front about 50. There was no option to put im anywhere except outside in the cold weather. You do not know our layout for the store. The option we used we stand behind, as it was safest for us, and our store in terms of not spreading anything.
Simple as that, people are starting to get antsy and accusing us of bad husbandry, bad animals, etc when local REPTILE vets call asking for opinions or recomending us. This is turning into a who knows more,who can find what, type of discussion and not about the OP false lies.