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Thread: animal planet
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Old 03-22-2010, 05:11 PM   #21
R. Eventide
Originally Posted by Southern Wolf View Post
You might want to rethink that statement. I saw a couple things from Nat Geo that just turned my stomach last night. On the other forum that I am an Admin on I asked for "your fav herp related youtube videos." After watching one that was posted a video from Nat Geo was in the related section. Guess what it was about. Killing snakes. They were clubbing a RTB in what looks like native habitat then beheaded it... and they had another clip where they beat and beheaded a viper that was in a sandy habitat. I had to turn off the computer after that. Nat Geo was just sensationalizing the clubbing and killing of snakes.
Ugh. Makes me sad to see National Geographic going downhill like that.

I was with them all the way until they put out a quick article about he Florida Burms that was completely one-sided (PETA's side), stating false information as fact and such. They realized their mistake fairly quickly (but only after getting lots of negative feedback) and put out another article from the reptile keepers' perspective, but to me, the damage had already been done. If they can't publish thought out, well-balanced articles about something I actually know a little about, then how can I trust their other articles about stuff I know nothing about?