FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - R.I.P Chuck Kimmel (critical bill) :(
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:52 AM   #68
Rich was kind enough to allow me back for this one post.

Chuck and I started out as many lovers do, trying to tear each others throats out and, as many lovers do, found out that we really were more alike than not.

He'd hit em high and I'd hit low and then he'd hit em low and so would I, laughing all the while.

He was the last of the Paladins from Fauna That Was, a helluva place that was not kind to the scumbags and dumbasses of the reptile world.

A quick wit and a nose for crap were natural gifts that some of us will not forget. I didn't know the guy in person but he is one of the few I considered a friend. Those of you from Fauna That Was know how seldom I use that word and how important it is to me.

Maggie, I'm sorry for your loss, truly. You can find me on a couple of sites, bp.net in particular and there are some here who can put you in touch if there is ANYTHING I can do for you or the girls. I know Chuck would have done the same were I married and our situations reversed. Don't hesitate to contact me for whatever, even if it's just for nothing at all.

I'll miss that guy, have missed him, but I'm pretty sure that he'll be clinking ice in a nice drink in a fantastic pool telling me how proud he is of you and the girls when we finally team up again, wherever that may be. I like the image of him, his plastic innertube, light blue of course though I don't know why, in a clean crystalline pool of liquid comfort, a breeze blowing the palms making the faintest of ripple on the water while we laugh and drink and remember fondly the good times we had. Don't be in any rush to join us, but you know there'll be smiles all around when you do.