FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - LA Reptiles
Thread: LA Reptiles
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Old 01-07-2004, 11:12 PM   #75
My impression was that things were by far worse than they are now.

The only real way to improve the conditions are to demand better quality from your suppliers (whether this is the local pet store, a breeder or an importer) but be willing to pay a little extra for the time and effort it takes to deliver that quality.

There is a retail market out there that understands the term "value" and I have seen an increase in that "value shopper" in just the short time I've been in this industry. As people that buy to supply that need of the value shopper we need to demand that quality from importers or breeders that we buy from (as breeders ourselves we know the time and money it takes to provide quality animals). It is much more cost efficient for me to pay a few dollars more to receive quality animals from an importer than it is to rehab an animal into proper condition that I would feel represents our name properly.

Regulations will only improve quality in the short term as people find ways to manipulate the laws and work around inspectors. Show someone there is money in quality and you won't need anyone to police them, the market will do that by itself.