FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Observations Of A Closed Society
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Old 01-13-2004, 09:41 AM   #71
So Jerry, what is a person supposed to do with the 15 corn snakes they produce?

With the 50?

With the 200?

The internet changed the global market place. Anyone can sell anything. It's not just herps. Go to EBAY and put in anything, someone will most likely be selling it. I agree there needs to be an agency to go after ppl who rip others off, but I don't think just because a 14 year old decides to sell some fly cultures or some guy wants to sell off his excess offspring. They need to spend X number of thousands of dollars to do so.

As I said before, I really think our market changed because of the increased presence of shows and the internet, making it easier for breeders to fair compensation for their offspring. If wholesaling our offspring were even somewhat fair I don't think you'd see so many "fly-by-night" vendors.