FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Observations Of A Closed Society
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Old 01-13-2004, 01:27 PM   #75
Out here we already have a licensing program for all businesses. This is money I throw away errr, I mean give to government officials that does nothing to assist my business. There are no criteria other than just a physical location within the city. They have no way of knowing the condition of what I sell on a daily basis, good or bad. I need to throw away more money in this manner, like I need a hole in the head. The funds required for any type of physical inspection process would drive the fees to an outrageous amount (ergo locking me out).

You say this is going to happen anyhow. That may be so. As a business I am almost positive that I'll be broken into someday. Doesn't mean I leave the door unlocked with my inventory sheets and a store map by the door for the crooks. I protect myself tooth and nail from the government, err I mean theives.

Again, a voluntary trade association with the intent and game plan to legitimize the industry I would agree with 1000% and support both financially and with effort. But inviting government intrusion I'll pass, I saw that vampire movie