FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Important! Please read & look at links!
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Old 05-20-2010, 01:08 AM   #1
Foschi Exotic Serpents
Exclamation Important! Please read & look at links!

You will be utterly disgusted when you see the original petition created which prompted us to take action.. Again.

Please go to this site and sign this petition for the sake of our pets. All signatures will be sent to local senators. This was made after a horrible petition was started by a person claiming terrible and disgusting things about snakes and their owners. They said, in other words, that snake owners are basically sexual deviants who like to masturbate to their snakes eating furry pets. As well as completely botching the "facts" of local news stories on snakes.

It takes a couple minutes to sign up and sign the petition. Then please follow the second link on here to the profile of the author of the horrible petition. Please report that petition as containing false, unsuitable, and offensive information and ask for its removal by the site. You can also message the original author if you like but I ask that any messages to that author be polite. Do not turn us into the monsters they are making us out to be. Thanks for taking action once again!

Pass this to everyone on your myspace, facebook, and any other forum you may belong to. We need to out-voice these people. We are running out of time to make an impact..

~~Petition to sign!

~Horrible petition created to spread lies and propaganda.

~Link to that authors profile page on change.org.