FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Not good in Wisconsin
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Old 05-22-2010, 05:50 PM   #8
Some updates on the topic:

Charges Expected for 2 Behind Milwaukee Reptile House
Posted Saturday May 22, 2010 6 hours, 56 minutes ago

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (WTAQ) - Prosecutors say they expect to file charges next week against 2 people responsible for hundreds of reptiles found living in a Milwaukee house. The targets weren't name, but investigators have reportedly been focused on Terry Cullen and Jane Flint.
Whole story HERE

Also, this post of from 05/15/10, I do not know if you guys found/read it already.. its on BLBC
Originally Posted by TuLong View Post
Hi, I found this thread in a search looking for more news on Terry and I thought I would clear up some information. I just spoke to Terry and he told me a few things. First many of the animals in his Milwaukee facility are rescues that he is working with on a daily basis. He had a flood in his Chicago facility and had to move all of the animals from there to Milwaukee in a rush and then had to leave town for a week. He didn't have enough time to get everyone situated. One of his employees was there when the police came and she asked the police to please wait until she put the dogs away, but they refused, busted in the door and immediately shot the dogs. One was running away and was shot outside the door. His neighbor saw the whole thing. They are very rare dogs and Terry really loved them. He showed pictures of them to everybody. He was clearly very shaken up about it when he was telling me. As far as the assault charges, he says they now switched to threatening him with LACEY violations and trafficking, which he says is ridiculous. He has all the paperwork on everything that needs paperwork. Apparently he is not being charged with anything right now.
Terry has been very outspoken about the python ban and he feels he may have had a plant in his facility. He also says he has a rocky relationship with the local police. No matter what he was being charged with, they had to know he wasn't there, and there was no reason to break in the door and shoot the dogs. That's about all I know.